And the unprecedented success of Israeli literature in translation.
“I mean religious, not ‘spiritual,’ or ‘transcendental,’ or any other laundered, noncommittal term.”
I can’t think of a single serious Hebrew composition written by a Christian other than “In Praise of the Hebrew Language.”
The Hebrew Teacher.
The legacy of a kabbalist and polymath.
A far cry from the “bland exoticism” of the New York Times.
His work reminds us that fiction can be entertaining, and perhaps should be, even when it is serious.
A novella by the late Israeli writer.
Haim Hazaz’s “The Sermon.”
Y.H. Brenner “sanctified his life through his death and his death through his life.”
Sholem Aleichem meets Quentin Tarantino.
A defense.
The cadences of the Talmud left their mark on Yiddish, and Israeli, speech patterns.