The greater threat to Jewish mores stems not from same-sex marriage but from heterosexual promiscuity.
A reply to my respondents.
Orthodox rabbis need to stop worrying about 200-year-old battles with “Reformers” and allow Jewish law to develop organically, as it always did in the past.
A new biography of the art historian Bernard Berenson distinguishes itself from its predecessors by exploring his childhood in Lithuania and his adolescent struggles with Jewish identity.
There have been two moments in the last 150 years when the assumptions behind Jewish law seemed poised to change. Nothing happened. Is today different?
Why Jewish law is more a set of guidelines than of rules.
Why Israel is the foundation upon which the house of Jewish culture can be most safely built.
Dear Hillel: Don’t you think that Israel needs American Jews to help it withstand the campaigns of hate it faces?
The Pew Research Center’s recent survey, A Portrait of Jewish Americans, reveals that for those Jews who choose to remain Jews, religion and peoplehood are still one and inseparable.. . .
A new-old paradigm is taking hold in Israel: a secularism based on a renewed embrace of Judaism.
“For the first time, I felt the weight of this ancient tradition that had endured, miraculously, for thousands of years.”
Pew’s survey of American Jews raises more questions about the state of American Jewry than it answers.
More than Saul Bellow or Philip Roth, James Salter (né Horowitz) captures the situation of assimilated American Jews—by never writing from a Jewish perspective.