Ten Commandments

Jurisprudence has changed, but the Decalogue might still be a step too far.

July 2 2024 12:01AM

The Ten Commandments were given to adults.

Shai Held
March 16 2020 12:01AM

A higher law and the consent of the governed.

Jan. 25 2019 12:01AM

Judeo-Christian ethics, the Ten Commandments, and The Ten Commandments.

James R. Rogers
May 11 2018 12:01AM

Reason, revelation, and tolerance.

Judah Kerbel
Aug. 25 2017 12:01AM

Marcionites, Gnostics, and a Shavuot custom.

May 30 2017 12:01AM

And the role of the family in Jewish life.

Leon Kass
May 19 2017 12:01AM

Putting the Ten Commandments in a circle.

Jenna Weissman Joselit
May 17 2017 12:01AM

Law before land.

Leon Kass
July 7 2016 12:01AM

Not only strikingly beautiful, his painting of Moses holding the Ten Commandments also happens to be one of the most authentically Jewish works of art ever created.

June 10 2016 12:01AM

And the menorah’s mythological beasts.

Elon Gilad
May 19 2016 12:01AM

Making God the star.

Alex Joffe
May 11 2016 12:01AM

What’s so bad about coveting your neighbor’s donkey?

Jan. 29 2016 12:01AM