A personal look at the 25 years that have passed since the bombing of an Argentine Jewish center that killed 85 people, with no progress toward justice.
How the idea of Jerusalem’s status as an “international city” became embedded in countless UN resolutions and foreign policies, and why it is utterly baseless.
With the recent death of the unrepentant spy, his story, along with that of other American Jews steeped in Communism, can finally be told.
From its priceless collection of artworks, a foremost cultural institution has harvested mainly inferior examples for display, while submerging Jewish identity in a sea of “universal values.”
A primer on the state of play of Israeli politics, how Israel’s electoral system shapes (and warps) priorities, and why Netanyahu has reason to be worried about his new rival.
As Jewish experience would suggest, a dichotomy embedded in the U.S. system distorts reality and makes for damaging policy.
Finished after decades of labor, this one-man English translation is a stupendous achievement. How does it hold up against the masterpieces (and follies) that have come before?
America needs to back up its allies (Israel, Saudi Arabia, and potentially Turkey), and isolate its adversaries (Iran, Russia, China, Islamic State). Everything else is secondary.
In his fiction, and especially in the novel Only Yesterday, S.Y. Agnon casts an ironic, unfooled eye on the inner lives of his fellow Jews and their lopsided bargains with modernity.
After decades of almost no interaction, relations between the two nations grow increasingly warmer and closer. There’s plenty of good news—and, for Israel, plenty of risk.
The controversial new law has been reviled as “an assassination of democracy” and a subversion of the founding principles of the Jewish state. It’s neither.
What happens when, once a year, the urge to accommodate every consumer fashion meets massive Jewish cultural illiteracy?
A brief history of Jewish history-writing reveals an abundance of partial and competing narratives, all too often missing a key ingredient.
Long-festering strains between the world’s two largest communities jeopardize the prospects of a shared Jewish future. Here’s a way forward.